Lunch Menu
Autumn 2024 and Spring 2025 School Dinner Menu
Our school meal provider, Herts Catering, provide a choice of 4 school meals every day (including a vegetarian option). Please note that the menu options may vary when we have themed meal days.
If you would like your child/children to have school dinners, they are able to choose one of the four options each day during registration. They can have school dinners on as many days as you wish. The cost of school dinner for the Spring term is £3.40 per day.
Important information from Herts Catering: If your child requires a special diet menu or has any allergies to nuts or similar you must complete the allergen application on the Herts Catering LTD
You will also find useful information and frequently asked questions and answers.
Universal Free School Meals
(see other note in free school meals below)
The Government announced that from September 2014 all infant pupils (reception, years 1 and 2) will be entitled to a free, nutritious school meal at lunchtime. This scheme is to help improve healthy eating and support children with the energy they need to concentrate in class throughout the day. Please let the office know if you wish for your child/children to have free school dinners.
Free School Meals
(this is different to universal free school meals above)
This is worth looking into, even if your child has universal free school meals, as you may also be entitled to other benefits, such as help with music tuition fees and possible subsidy for trips. Also, the school receives additional funding for each child in receipt of free school meals, which will benefit your child and our whole community.
For further information, please follow the link:
If you do not have access to a computer or would like help finding out, please contact the school office, who will be more than happy to help.
Your child could get a free school meal if you receive any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income-Related Employment Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit (providing you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and you don’t get more than £16,190 a year)
- Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit)
- Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Working tax credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit