How will I know how my child is doing?
- Reasonable adjustments are made by staff to ensure all children can access the learning. This could include: additional adult support for reading, enlarged texts, brain breaks, chunking work, word banks, pencil grips, mind maps etc. You will be informed if your child is using any of these through Seesaw and/or parent consultations.
- Termly reviews of your child's progress will take place and feedback is given to you via the Pupil Support Plan review/parent consultations and end of year reports.
- A wide range of assessments are undertaken and data is collated and reviewed termly or at earlier points as appropriate. A range of assessments are used including the IAELD, CAPPS and age appropriate learning.
- If the support given is not having the desired effect, teachers, TAs and the SENCo will discuss alternative provision.
- Where more significant needs are identified, additional input from outside professionals may be sought. This will be discussed and agreed upon with you.
- In addition to the reports and consultation meetings, we operate an “open door” policy whereby you are welcome to meet with members of staff to review any issues with the progress and attainment of your child. Appointments to meet with the class teacher can be arranged through the class teacher email or Seesaw.
- If you would like a longer meeting involving the SENCo or Headteacher, please make an appointment via the SENCo email address or school office.
- For a few children, meetings involving external professionals or review meetings will also be held regularly. This may result in an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP), which details the support that the school and other professionals will provide to support your child’s learning.
- Children with an EHCP will have an annual review during the school year to which input will be obtained from parents, professionals and supporting agencies. The views of children with SEND are sought before their Annual Review meetings and included as part of their review.