Our Pupil Leadership
Year 6 have worked hard to persuade us which leadership role they would like this year. Their presentations and speeches were fantastic and we are excited to see what they do in their roles this year.
Meet the team...
Year 6 wrote persuasive letters to Mr Varney to ask him to give them the role of Playground Patrol this year. He has accepted with a probationary period of a month!
Their main job is to keep the playground happy and safe at break and lunchtimes.
Let's see how they get on!
Who will lead our houses this year?
- Ruby – Sophia and Isla
- Diamond – Isla and James
- Sapphire – Archie and Darcey
- Amethyst – Henri and Ella-Belle
These pupils lead monthly house meetings to share celebrations and successes. Their main aim is to help children belong and be part of a group.
They motivate their house to achieve merits through good behaviour and hard work and lead them on Sports Day, and in other intra- school competitive and non-competitive events.
Each half term they count up merits received by each house and the house with the most merits get their colour ribbons attached to the house cup.
Look out for their noticeboard in the school hall.
St Paul's Parliament 2023 - 2024
St Paul’s Parliament is made of a group of MPs (pupils) who meet regularly with Mr Varney to discuss ideas for school improvement. Children in each class created election videos which were watched by their class, with children then voting in our polling station for who they wanted their class MPs to be.
Each half term, an agenda is decided and classes will have an opportunity to discuss what is on the agenda. The job of the MPs is to then feed these discussions back to Mr Varney and the other parliament members, where we can further discuss and debate these matters, coming to a decision.
Our pupils’ ideas and perspectives are an important part of making our school the best it can be.
We are pleased to introduce our Parliament of 2023 - 2024 ...

Who will be our new ambassadors?
Our Year 6 School Ambassadors are:
- Lead Ambassadors: Ollie, McKayla, Alfie and Max
- School Ground Supervisors: Romano and Harrison
- Photographer: Luke
- Wellbeing Monitor: Connie and Eloise
- Librarians: Kim and Florence
- Lunchtime Host Leads: Kim
- Collective Worship Representative: Lucy
At St Paul’s, some reliable and responsible Year 6’s are selected to be School Ambassadors. They are well-presented, punctual and respectful pupils who help to show visitors around the school and deliver assemblies about the school rules.
Look out for their noticeboard in the school hall.
Who will be on our new Sports Committee?
Our Sports Committee this year are:
Sports Leaders: Sophie, Sid, Aiden and Lucy
Their main role includes getting children physically active by running intra-school events. They will also lead the Sports Committee and help communicate success through the noticeboard, newsletters, emails and meetings. They will promote a healthy lifestyle. They will help to run assemblies and lead active sessions and clubs.
Computer Support: Austin and Owen
Their role is communicating successes and achievements by keeping the sports committee's notice board up to date with photographs and information. Take a look at it on our playground!
Photographer: Rupert
Their role is communicating successes and achievements by keeping the sports committee's notice board up to date with photographs and information. Take a look at it on our playground!
Inclusion Support: Esme
The role involves supporting children with SEND to take part in activities and events.
Journalists: Seb and Bryony
Their role is writing for the school newsletter each week. They collect information from children about sporting achievements and then email the Head and Office with news.
The Sports Committee work very hard and support the PE Lead, Mrs Smith in a large number of ways to inspire and promote PE, physical activity and sport across the school.
Leadership Training Day
Inspired by Success of the Summer

This year, Year 6 pupils are working alongside the adults to help promote their subject across school. They will help with collecting pupil voice, organising and ordering resources and carrying out learning walks. They are passionate about their subject and want others to be too!
English | Bryony |
Maths | Isla |
Science | Harrison |
RE | Lucy |
PE | Sophie |
Computing | Owen |
Art and Design | Darcey |
Design and Technology | James |
Music | Isla |
Languages | Archie |
Geography | Luke |
History | Sid |
Meet the subject leaders...
Year 5 will support the Playground Patrol to deliver physical activity and play at playtime and lunchtime.
Our children ‘buddy’ each other in a variety of ways. This gives our older children a sense of responsibility towards other children in the school. We pride ourselves on our happy school environment and the way in which we look after each other.
Our Year 3 pupils are each buddied up with a Reception child. They are first properly introduced at a special welcome assembly at the beginning of the school year. This special friendship continues as children move up the school with the same paired buddy, until the Year 3s become Year 6 and it is time to leave, and the Reception children become Year 3 and it is their turn to become the older buddy.
What do our children say about buddying?
- “I like to play with my buddy in the playground. When she was off school I made her a get well soon card.”
- “When my buddy is sad it is fun to cheer him up.”
- “In the playground I like to play with my buddy as she is really happy all the time and I like to see her smile.”
- “Being a buddy is fantastic. You need to check on them and see they are playing happily and having lots of fun.”
- “My buddy checks on me as much as I check on him! I love the responsibility to look after my buddy. I made him a Christmas present so he would have a happy Christmas!”
- “I like being a buddy as it makes us have lots more friends.”
- “I like being a buddy as when you go and see them my buddy always asks if they can play with me. She is the kindest buddy ever. I sometimes get to sit with her at lunchtime.”
What do our Reception children say about their older buddies?
- “She helps me if I am hurt.”
- “We like playing together and pretending.”
- “I like to play mums and dads with my buddy.”
- “We do painting together”
- “We play Hide and Seek and Stuck in the Mud”
- “I love my buddy”
- “We play football together”
Buddying System

We are part of the DSSN, which provides us with many sports leadership opportunities. Take a look on their site.