How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child's needs?
A cycle of ASSES-PLAN-DO-REVIEW is used to review a child’s progress towards their outcomes:
Teachers are accountable for the progress of all children in their class even when they access support from elsewhere. Teachers set high expectations for every child whatever their prior attainment. Learning opportunities are matched to pupil’s abilities and interests are key to this as we support our pupils through the setting of learning targets. Children will be supported in fully accessing the curriculum according to need, which may be through one to one support with a teacher or teaching assistant, access to an intervention
programme, or by working in smaller groups. Teachers focus on differentiation in their planning, ensuring that work is appropriate for the individual needs of every child. They work hard to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum successfully while
maintaining a high level of challenge to ensure children make excellent progress in their learning.
We use a four stage graduated process: Assess, Plan, Do and Review which is embedded in high quality first teacher (see the Code of Practice section 6).
Assess: your child's needs are assessed by the class teacher taking in to account information from you, your child and assessments.
Plan: the barriers to learning are identified and a plan of support is written which outlines the adjustments, interventions and support to be put in place.
Do: support is provided by the class teacher or TA
Review: The impact of the support is measured and changes are made where needed. If sufficient progress is made then your child will access the class led learning. If more support is needed, more targets and strategies will be implemented. Other professionals will be included and referrals made where appropriate.
Interventions are time limited and are reviewed and monitored to ensure that they are the appropriate provision for that particular child and that they are impacting on progress.