Our French
The study of Languages prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly carried out in languages other than English. Increased capability in the use of languages promotes initiative and independent learning and encourages diversity within society. All pupils in Years 3-6 learn French and we endeavour to:
• Provide a rich and varied input of the language, so that children hear and interact with the sounds and patterns of the new language
• Use active learning to engage motivation
• Use games and songs to maximise enjoyment
• Embed languages in class routines and school life
• Integrate language learning across the curriculum to connect with learning in other
subject areas
The school’s schemes of work are based on Language Angels; other resources are incorporated where appropriate. ICT is used across the school to motivate pupils and to support teachers with model pronunciation. The school uses ICT, community and other links to expose pupils to native speakers.