Parent and pupil voice
Parent voice
'We feel that he receives the right amount of support to help him to make progress whilst allowing him to develop his independence.'
'When a concern has been raised, it has been handled well.'
Most parents agreed that their child was happy at school. One parents identified 'very happy, most important part.'
'We have regular meetings with the class teacher and SENCo to discuss her progress. New support is discussed as well as concerns.'
'I think my child would benefit from additional support.'
Pupil Voice
'I can ask an adult for help if I am not sure.'
'I prefer the classroom to be quieter so I can think.'
'I use Beadstrings, 100 squares and whiteboards to help in my maths lesson.'
'The visual timetable helps me to understand what will happen next.'
'I talk through problems with my friends.'