St Paul's Primary School is a fully inclusive school who ensures that all children achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally, educationally and physically.
Special Educational Needs, is the term that is used to describe children who have needs over and above those that can be met through quality classroom teaching. These needs may be within areas of
Communication and Interaction (speech and language needs and or social communication needs)
Cognition and learning (specific learning difficulties)
Social, emotional and mental health needs
Physical or sensory difficulties
Support may be for a short period or throughout a child’s education. We aim to identify additional needs early and then initiate a support plan, taking into account their individual needs and experiences.
Meeting the needs of child with special educational needs is the responsibility of all teachers and teaching staff and their needs are usually met through a differentiated curriculum. The Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) will support staff to meet these needs. We operate a graduated response to supporting all children including those with additional learning needs, the initial response being through Quality Classroom Teaching.
Contact details:
Sonya Le Gassicke - SENCo Carly-Anne Heaphy - SEND Governor
01923 262340 01923 262340
We are happy to talk through any concerns you have regarding your child.
The SEN Policy can be found in the Policies page.