What training have the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or are having?
All our learning spaces provide a fully inclusive environment which supports the needs of all children.
All staff are trained in dealing with safeguarding issues. There are three designated members of staff (DSP) who are responsible for safeguarding concerns. (See the Safeguarding page for more details).
All staff have received first aid training.
Some members of staff have additional, specialist training to support children with specific medical conditions.
Staff have attended training in supporting children with Dyslexia, developing working memory, precision monitoring and trauma awareness.
The SENCO has attended the Tier 3 (leading Autism in school) training.
Hertfordshire STEPS approach (supporting Behaviour management) is used by every staff member in school.
All staff have received comprehensive training on the new phonics scheme (Essential Letters and Sounds).
Training is refreshed regularly and all opportunities for additional training are sought to ensure that staff have an up to date, working knowledge of SEND issues and current legislation. Additional training for staff is secured where necessary; this may be delivered in school by the SENCO or by external training sources such as education psychologists or other key professionals.
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