Year 5
Welcome to Year 5's Page
Our class teachers are Mr Fanshaw and Miss Le Gassicke. Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Govier.
We hope you find this page useful for keeping up to date with your child's learning in Year 5.
Please feel free to use the knowledge organisers to ask your child questions about their learning and whether they know the meanings of any of the vocabulary.
Our recommended reads are chosen from high quality texts that may either be engaging for your child to read or have read to them.
In English this term, our writing will be supported by the books 'Cosmic' and 'The Journey'. In these lessons, children will get the opportunity to write persuasive emails, create a leaflet for the Infinity Park and create their own playscript, as an additional scene. During our work on 'The Journey', children will generate a voice-over for a documentary - as well as plan, write and edit a personified letter.
In PE we are currently carrying out a unit of work in gymnastics. Further units include, dance and handball.
In Science we are studying the Earth, Space and the Moon.
Our History topic is the Ancient Greeks, where they'll study what life was like during this era, the Peloponnesian War, Gods & Goddesses, as well as Greek myths and legends.
In Art we are currently planning, building and improving bridge structures.