How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
St Paul's School follows safeguarding and health and safety procedures ensuring that all children, staff and other adults are safe. As part of our inclusive policy, the school tries to ensure that no child is excluded from educational visits or out of school activities because of their SEN or disability. Relevant documents are completed detailing support and provision for specific pupils prior to visits being undertaken. Extra risk assessments will be carried out accordingly.
The school will review any specific need on a case by case basis to accommodate a child’s needs even after reasonable adjustments. Teachers will consider the abilities of all children involved when planning school trips. Concerns from parents and children will be taken into account and, wherever possible, mitigated.
Research will be done and risk assessments completed prior to going on the trip to ensure the safety of and provision for all children. Where special procedures are in place, all members of staff will be informed thereof. All medication and emergency contact details will be taken with on the trip.
St Paul's School operates a fully inclusive policy and children with any form of SEND are fully integrated in all aspects of school life including after school activities whenever possible. Children will be supported on a needs basis, which may be one to one support with a teacher or TA, in a small group or lunchtime support etc.
Electronic devices and specific resources are available for children with SEND as appropriate and a range of subject-specific aids are available.