Online Safety
The technology in our world is growing at an increasing rate and whilst these advancements have many benefits for our pupils and our school, we also know that children are more at risk of becoming even more vulnerable whilst using the internet and working online. It is therefore our duty to ensure that we provide our pupils and community with the knowledge and skills to be able to work safely and securely online, knowing how to navigate the internet and view only was is appropriate and knowing what to do if they do not feel safe working online.
At St Paul’s, we educate pupils about safe practice regarding online activity. Online safety is an integral aspect of our Computing curriculum and the school also hosts online safety workshops annually for parents and children.
To support our pupils and parents with working safely online, we use the National Online Safety to send regular updates, including weekly top tips that may support parents with teaching and discussing online safety with their children in a child friendly way.
We encourage our parents and carers to sign up for a free account on the National Online Safety website, which we use to send short videos and tutorials of how to support and what to look out for when using the internet at home.
To set up your free account, please follow the link below:
Top Tips for Parents and Carers
The following links are to further support parents and carers with understanding online safety ...
Please follow the links below for more information: