Our Christian Vision and Ethos
Here at St Paul's, our theologically rooted Christian vision is the foundation of our school and underpins all that we do. Based on the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:37), our aim is that all pupils, regardless of whether they have a faith or not, are able to learn from the teachings of God and from all within our community, allowing them to flourish and become the best people they can be. Any decisions we make as a school are guided by our vision and work to ensure that our pupils, staff and parents are able to develop a love of learning and learning how to love each other, knowing we are all unique and positively contribute to our world.
Our Values
Our school values support us in being able to flourish and help us to live by our school's theologically rooted Christian vision.
Our Values were selected by our school community and were chosen to reflect our school and the values we aim to embody in order to be good people. When choosing our values, we thought about key teachings from God, Jesus and the Bible and focus on one of these values in more detail during a half term e.g. we reflect on the value of thankfulness in Autumn 2 as we remember those who have died and continue to die in war to keep us safe whilst also being thankful for the gift of Jesus' birth.
Each half term, we think deeply about one of our 6 values and each week, a child is selected from each class, becoming our Values Superstar for that week. Whilst we think deeply about these values, we remember all of them help us to be good citizens.
Spirituality at St Paul's
Within St Paul's, we work to enable our community to flourish spiritually, knowing that our pupils, staff and parents can be spiritual regardless of faith or belief systems. We took time as a school to consider and define what we feel spirituality means to us and provide regular opportunities for children to spiritual; this may happen during lessons, when we come together for collective worship or at other times during our school day.
School Development Plan 2024 - 2025
If you would like to know more about the school's religious education curriculum, please follow the link below ...
If you would like to know more about the school's Collective Worship, please follow the link below ...
If you would like to read our school's Religious Education / Collective Worship Policy, please follow the link below ...